Outside Problems

A Neighbour is Parking in my Space!

We’ve all been there, you come home from a long day at work, pull into your home and there is someone is parking in your space. Some inconsiderate neighbor has parked in your space or spot again. But what’s the best way to handle the situation?

First of all, it’s important to remember that we share this world with other people, and we have to be considerate of their needs as well. Just because someone parks in your spot doesn’t mean they’re a bad person. They may have had a tough day and just need a place to park.

General Steps

That being said, it’s still frustrating when someone takes your spot. If you find yourself in this situation often, there are a few things you can do to make life easier.

  • Talk to your neighbor: This may seem like an obvious solution, but it’s often the best one. A simple conversation can go a long way towards solving the problem. Maybe your neighbor is unaware that they’re parking in your spot. Or maybe they’re willing to work out a system where you can alternate days.
  • Get a designated parking spot: If you live in a block of flats or other shared space, there may be a designated parking spot for each resident. This can help to avoid any confusion about who can park where.
  • Use technology: There are now some great apps and websites that can help you find parking spots in your area. This can be especially helpful if you live in a crowded city.
  • Contact the council: If they’ve parked on your land your land and/or if it has been abandoned, this site can help where you can request that the council remove the vehicle.
  • Consider moving: Obviously this is an extreme solution, and not practical in the short term, but might be the only surefire way to solve the issue. If you live on a street where parking is constantly a struggle moving to somewhere with your own spot might be the best way forwards.

A vehicle is considered abandoned if one of the following applies:

  • it has no keeper on DVLA’s database and is untaxed – check vehicle tax online
  • it’s stationary for a significant amount of time
  • it’s significantly damaged, run down or unroadworthy, for example has flat tyres, missing wheels or broken windows
  • it’s burned out
  • a number plate is missing

(Source: Gov.uk)

Street Parking

In some areas there is no dedicated parking for residents, and the only option is street parking. This is often just a free-for-all, but sometimes there is the requirement of a residents permit.

It’s important to remember that you do not have any special rights to the space outside your property, even if you have always parked there. Some individuals have been known to leave bollards or even fake signs to suggest ownership, but none of these are enforceable or productive in the long term.

The Police

You may be tempted to report the isssue to the police, however they are only likely to be interested if it is causing an obstruction or hazard by:

  • parking in a dangerous position such as on zig zag lines or other pedestrian crossings
  • parking opposite or within ten metres of a junction
  • parking over a dropped kerb
  • blocking a road or pavement which causes pedestrians to enter the road
  • preventing you from being able to park or get your vehicle off your driveway (try to find the owner and ask them to move the vehicle, before reporting)
  • preventing emergency vehicles from accessing an area

(Source: Avon & Somerset Police)

Parking on Private Land

If the vehicle is parked on private land then unfortunately it is a civil matter and neither the Council or Police will be in a position to act. You should seek expert advice in such a situation.

Parking and the Highway Code

What does the Highway Code say about parking? The rules regarding parking are covered in rules 239 to 247. The most notable are under rule 243, which states that you DO NOT stop or park:

  • near a school entrance
  • anywhere you would prevent access for Emergency Services
  • at or near a bus or tram stop or taxi rank
  • on the approach to a level crossing/tramway crossing
  • opposite or within 10 metres (32 feet) of a junction, except in an authorised parking space
  • near the brow of a hill or hump bridge
  • opposite a traffic island or (if this would cause an obstruction) another parked vehicle
  • where you would force other traffic to enter a tram lane
  • where the kerb has been lowered to help wheelchair users and powered mobility vehicles
  • in front of an entrance to a property
  • on a bend
  • where you would obstruct cyclists’ use of cycle facilities

except when forced to do so by stationary traffic.


At the end of the day, it’s important to be considerate of others while also standing up for yourself. If you find yourself constantly struggling over parking spots, try one of these solutions and see if it makes a difference. If you have ever experienced problems with people parking inconsiderately, please let us know in the comments below.

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